After receiving your Statement of Reasons (SOR), drafting your reply is one of the most crucial aspects of the appeal. It’s a good time to call an attorney if you do not already have one. Bellow is a satisfied client testimonial:
I received a Statement of Reason (SOR) preliminary denial of clearance from the DOD-CAF for “Foreign Contacts” for a Facebook Friend who was from another country. I retained the Edmund’s Law firm to represent me because of their extensive depth and history with U.S. Government clearance issues and they lived up to their sterling reputation in every way. The team from Edmunds, led by attorney Mark A. Myers, leaped into action immediately. They asked for very specific documentation to provide evidence to the comprehensive response they crafted for the SOR. Just as critical, they interviewed me extensively about the history of the issue, all the while explaining to me in great detail the reasons for the tactics & overall strategy of creating a successful response to the SOR. Whenever I had questions or concerns about our response, attorney Myers would take the time to clearly explain what and why (or why not) we were taking a given specific direction in crafting the response.
Just over 2 weeks after Edmund’s Law submitted the final SOR response, I received notification of a successful adjudication of my clearance application from the DOD-CAF. If you receive an SOR regarding your clearance application, don’t be foolish and try to respond on your own. This is a VERY specific area of legal specialization in which Edmunds Law has the most experience of any other law firm. Responding to an SOR without expert representation is akin to wandering into the Coliseum naked and unarmed to face the lions. Don’t allow yourself to be placed in that situation. Consult with Edmunds Law the minute you receive your SOR to save your job and career.
Can’t thank you guys enough for your outstanding handling of my SOR response.
Attorney Edmunds is the leading attorney in the area of national security clearance appeals. If your job is at risk or you need a strong Response to SOR or a Security Clearance Appeal, call the attorney that wins across the United States. Mr. Edmunds is a former Judge Pro Tem and is a subject matter expert in national security matters. He helps Active Duty Military, DoD Contractors and federal Employees with Security Clearance matters. His Law Firm has offices across the United States.
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