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About The Edmunds Law Firm2024-04-16T17:18:33+00:00
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2024 client championFounder Ranked #1 National Security Clearance Lawyer

The Edmunds Law Firm is a nationally recognized firm committed to representing individuals and corporations in national security clearance issues. We have over three decades of experience in security clearance. The Edmunds Law Firm handles even the most difficult cases. We look forward to representing you with ability and distinction. Whether you’re located in Washington, D.C., Santa Fe, New Mexico, or anywhere in between, The Edmunds Law Firm is ready to assist you. Contact our firm’s national security clearance lawyers to discuss your case today!

Representation Across the Nation

The Edmunds Law Firm represents applicants in their security clearance cases across the entire United States, in cities such as New York, San Diego, Washington, D.C., and Chicago. Attorney Alan V. Edmunds is among the very few nationwide security clearance attorneys who travel throughout the country to represent clients with security clearance problems. His success in cases nationwide is a matter of public record. Our attorneys assist civilians as well as active duty military clients around the globe.

Heightened Security Concerns

Individuals who need national security clearance will be thoroughly screened by the federal government. It can be difficult to get national security clearance due to the many security constraints facing the U.S. today. Our firm has been helpful in representing many hundreds of applicants for the last 40 years, covering the entire spectrum of clearance-related issues.

We Represent Every Step in the Clearance Process

  • Individuals at all stages of the National Security Clearance process have received valuable guidance from The Edmunds Law Firm including:
  • Initial consulting
  • Application (SF-86) preparation
  • Security clearance investigation questions
  • Hearing preparation
  • Representation at federal hearings
  • Response to Statement of Reasons (SOR)
  • Requests to re-open hearings
  • Filing appeals of adverse decisions
  • Representation for all aspects of the security clearance process
  • Other security clearance issues

Serving Clients with Distinction Since 1976

The question arises: Why do so many people choose The Edmunds Law Firm to represent them in cases involving national security clearances? The answer is really simple. First and foremost, the experience of Attorney Alan Edmunds and his associates can create a huge advantage to any applicant. Our law firm’s attorneys have handled security clearance cases across the United States. Our firm is one of the largest law firms in the nation for security clearance. We have found no other law firm that has had such a high frequency of representation in so many different states.

The second reason that people hire The Edmunds Law Firm is attributed to our success rate. While no lawyer or law firm wins every case, The Edmunds Law Firm has had an incredible record of winning cases throughout the United States. This record is no secret. Any individual can browse the websites of The Edmunds Law Firm or the Defense Office of Hearings & Appeals (DOHA) website and review the decisions of the court. The Edmunds Law Firm prominently appears and has won virtually every type of case that has been brought by the government.

The third reason that individuals hire The Edmunds Law Firm is due to our unique fee structure. The Edmunds Law Firm quotes a flat fee that keeps overall costs manageable for our clients. Other law firms-particularly those in the Washington, D.C. area-charge an hourly rate that can result in legal fees exceeding $10,000.00 for a hearing. Normally, The Edmunds Law Firm can handle hearings throughout the United States for half that amount of money. We offer payment plans and we accept credit cards.

Contact The Edmunds Law Firm at (800) 481-2526 Today

If you or a co-worker are facing allegations that threaten your National Security Clearance or your application, hire a law firm with a proven record of success. Experience makes the difference in the area of national security clearances and The Edmunds Law Firm is foremost in this area. The process starts by simply calling.

How to View a Security Clearance Lawyer’s True Experience



  • Alan Edmunds – Senior Partner
  • Barrie Robinson – Associate Attorney

Support Staff

  • Victoria Belabes
  • Chase Edmunds
  • Cooper Edmunds
  • Julie Edmunds
  • Macy Blackwell
  • Kassidy Lankford

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